Monday, December 12, 2011


Visit Carolyn's Reading On the Go Store for all your Kindle needs - Get Your Kindle Now!

So many Kindles, which should you choose?  Suddenly, there has been an explosion of Kindles over the last few weeks.  So are you in a quandry of which one to buy?

That's simple, and I'll tell you why.  Don't let the prices fool you, there's a Kindle for $79, one for $99;  one for $139, and one for $199.   What's it all about you's called advertising AND connectivity. 

If you just want an ereader without alot of bells and whistles, wi-fi only,  no internet other than to download books, no color screens, then choose the $79.  You can find out more about connectivity here.

All the models with the exception of the Kindle Fire have a 6" inch screen; the Kindle Fire has a 7" inch screen.  They are all light weight.  Now, why such a wide range of prices for the Kindles, you ask?   Well, it's the you want yours with or without special advertising or special offers.  If you want the lower priced models, you are actually opting in to have advertising appear on your device.  Of course,  if you don't want advertising to appear on your Kindle, you can purchase a unit without the special offers feature.  It's up to you, all the offers appear to be unobtrusive, less so than some websites I've visited. 

You can learn more and compare the Kindles below.


About Me

Been through a couple disasters in my time, we all have one way or another. Amazon affiliate.